Frequently Asked Question
MSME stands for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise. Under the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise Development (MSMED) Act, 2006, the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, Government of India has registered these enterprises with MSME registration.
- Aadhar number (Mobile Number Must Be Registered With Aadhaar for OTP Verification)
- Name of Entrepreneur as per Aadhar card
- Social category (General, OBC, SC/ST)
- Gender
- Physically Handicapped
- Name of Enterprise
- Type of Organization (Proprietorship, Partnership Firm, Private or Public Limited Company, Limited Liability Partnership, Co-operative Society, Hindu Undivided Family, Self-Help Group, Society or Trust)
- PAN Card
- Location/Address of Plant
- Country, State, District, City, block, PIN Code
- Office Address
- Mobile Number, Email ID
- Date of Commencement of Business
- Bank account number and IFSC code
- Business activity of an enterprise
- NIC 2 Digit Code – choose a primary activity
- Number of employees
- Investment amount in Plant & Machinery
Udyam Registration, also called MSME Registration, the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, Government of India has introduced a new process of classification and registration of micro, small and medium enterprises under the name of ‘Udyam Registration’ on July 01, 2020.
Once the registration process is complete, a certificate will be issued online. This udyam certificate will contain a dynamic QR code from which detailed information about the portal's webpage and enterprise can be accessed. Registration renewal will not be required.